Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ADF function call from EL statement in jspx page


I created three new helper classes with wide usage potential. In specific cases they can significantly simplify the code and make it re-factoring friendly and even faster because there is no need to reference a view object to get an attribute value. I already use them on my daily ADF tasks.

In short (and exciting)

Class DynMap
This is helper class to mimic function call from an EL statement, with one passing parameter.

Class DynMap2
This is a variant of the upper class allowing you to pass two parameters to a function from an EL statement.
Following the same rules you can create corresponding classes to serve 3 and more parameters, too.

Class DynMapIn
Cool small class to test if some (binding) value is included in a final set of values.

In detail (and boring)

Currently, EL (Expression language) on ADF platform doesn’t support calling functions with parameters. For example you might want to write a (very logical) function call like this:

< af:inputText  value="#{mybean.func(bindings.var.inputValue, "V")}" />

...but you can’t do it in ADF. The standard approach is to create a getter on your managed bean, and there to read the attribute from the bindings and do the logic.

public String getFunc(){
DCIteratorBinding iterator = ADFUtils.findIterator("MyIterator");
String myVar1 =iterator.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("MyVar");
String myVar2 =’V’;

//some logic here
return myVar1+”,”+myVar2;


And that’s what we usually do, and in most cases it is the only way. A negative consequence of doing it this way is that it that the code cannot be re-factored, because of strings used to reference objects.

I got an idea from how ADF page is using bundles for labels, as it passes a parameter of a key to return associated value. So I used the same idea and constructed a kind of dynamic maps, where the key returned is not a fixed value, but is calculated at the moment of the call. Then I wrapped it all in an easy to use classes.

On the page:

< af:inputText  value="#{mybean.func[bindings.var.inputValue]["V"]}" />

In the bean, the getter:

public DynMap getFunc(Object myvar1, Object myvar2){
return new DynMap2() {    
       public Object ret(Object var1, Object var2) {

//put some logic here
              return var1+","+var2;


This is when we have two parameters to pass. And here is a simpler example, when only one parameter has to be passed:

The getter:

public DynMap getFunc(Object myvar) {
        return new DynMap() {
            public Object ret(Object var) {
//put some logic here
                return var1+"!";

The last example is for testing if a value is included in some set of values:

So instead of:

              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='02'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='03'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='04'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='05'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='06'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='08'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='09'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='10'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='11'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='12'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='13'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='14'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='15'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='16'
              || bindings.CriterionTypeId.inputValue=='17'

...I have to write only:


and the getter:

public DynMap getIsDisabled() {
return new DynMapIn("01|02|03|04|05|06|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17");


public class DynMap extends HashMap {
    public Object get(Object ob) {
        return ret(ob);

    Object ret(Object ob) {
        return null;

public class DynMap2 extends HashMap> {
    public Map get(final Object test1) {
        return new HashMap() {
            public Object get(Object test2) {
                return ret(test1, test2);

    public Object ret(Object test1, Object test2) {
        return null;

public class DynMapIn extends DynMap {
    String sInput;
    String sDelimiter;

    public DynMapIn(String p_sInput) {
        sInput = p_sInput;
        sDelimiter = ",";

    Object ret(Object ob) {
        return Arrays.asList(sInput.split(sDelimiter)).contains(ob);


Copyright © 2010 Sasha Stojanovic.